Aims & Objectives

At Bellfield College our aim is to:

  • Provide high quality, stimulating education in a caring & nurturing Islamic environment.
  • Instil strong morals and virtues in each child so that they may strive to live in the way of Allah (swt), our beloved Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) and the Holy Imams (a.s).
  • Support the family unit through open communication and an integral link between home and the College.
  • Support and empower parents in their role as the primary educators of their children.
  • Develop our programs based on student needs and encourage students to actively participate in all College activities with confidence and pride.
  • Encourage and facilitate a high standard of academic achievement.
  • Develop in each child a sense of security, confidence and self-esteem to their fullest potential.
  • Promote friendships amongst the children, encouraging the sharing of equipment and resources so that children learn to respect the rights of others.
  • Prepare children to be aware and sensitive to the diverse world around them.
  • Work as a team, supporting each other professionally and sharing ideas to ensure the highest quality of care and education