Internet Filtering

All student internet usage on the College system is filtered and logged and is trackable if an investigation is required by the Principal.

Be aware that if you provide your child/ren with a device that has built in cellular data connectivity that the school is unable to filter, log and monitor their usage.

It is highly recommended that if your child/ren have a mobile phone that you limit the amount of data available on the plan. High data rates encourage mobile hot-spots which enable students to bypass College filtering services that are designed to provide not only Duty of Care filtering but also to limit distractions from social media during class time.

Filtering Your Home Internet

There are various technical measures you can take to manage internet access at home and whilst it can play a role, supervision and education are the best forms of filters.

Filtering systems not only help block out inappropriate websites, but there are also certain features that can do such things as enforce internet cut off times for certain devices. This means you can set an internet ‘bedtime’ for one or more specific devices on your network.

Commercial Internet Filtering software is available from a variety of vendors.  The following have been listed as a reference:

Family Zone     

Net Nanny           

Safe Kids            

e-Safety Commissioner